Saturday, January 21, 2017

Backstage Pass Walkthrough Independent Routes/Achievements

Backstage Pass Walkthrough: Independent Routes/Achievements

Expelled from school: For this achievement just keep sleeping, don’t do anything else.

Uneventful Year: Hop around and do not focus on any one person or thing.

Shopaholic, All about the Money, Fashion Forward: These are easy to get on Matthew's and Lloyd’s routes.

Famous on the Internet (Online celebrity/Blogger): 300 Charisma/Popularity, high affection with Matt, own a webcam, have about 300+ views per day on your blog.

Moving Up (Producer): 300 Charisma/Fashion, help Rachel with her script at every opportunity. Also do Ben's show production yourself, by only getting advice from Lloyd.

Life of a Pro (Famous makeup artist): Win the awards, take the Makeup Mayhem job, choose the second person.

All by Myself: Fail to get one of the other three somehow.

Baking Champion: Bake all the cupcakes:

  • ·       Sunny Picnic - Angel Food, Whipped Cream, Strawberries
  • ·       S'mores - Yellow Cake Batter, Chocolate Frosting, Mallows
  • ·       Birthday Cake - Yellow Cake Batter, Chocolate Frosting, Sprinkles
  • ·       Dark Forest - Chocolate Batter, Chocolate Frosting, Strawberries
  • ·       Chocolate Peanut Butter - Chocolate Batter, Peanut Butter, Sprinkles
  • ·       Gut Buster - Chocolate Batter, Cream Cheese, Bacon
  • ·       German Chocolate - Chocolate Batter, Apple Sauce, Coconut
  • ·       Valentine - Red Velvet, Whipped Cream, Mallows
  • ·       Red Velvet - Red Velvet, Cream Cheese, Sprinkles
  • ·       The King - Banana Cake Batter, Peanut Butter, Bacon
  • ·       Fruit Smoothie - Banana Cake Batter, Apple Sauce, Strawberries

~ I recommend an even-ish schedule of Exercise Monday, Working Tuesday, and rotating between blogging and fashion for the remainder of the week. I tried to avoid sleeping by going into town and visit Pho 24 instead. Until 1/10, don't go on dates with anyone, even if you're trying for the blogger ending (as you don't want to end up on Matt's route inadvertently). I made a save here for diverging paths.

8/28 - Accept his offer.

9/5 - Ask who he is hiding from.

~Go alone on your next mall visit and tell Nicole the truth.

9/8 - Shrug it off

~Buy and use all consumables, except the stress reducers.

9/15 - Ask about the mall.

9/20 - Accept Dale’s email offer.

9/27 - Accept Ben’s email offer.

10/25 - Accept both jobs.

11/26 - Say "Work in the industry" if trying for any of the endings other than Alone.

12/6 - Accept Dale's job offer.

12/13 - Accept Ben's job offer.

12/19 - When Adam takes you shopping, make sure to get the Board Game for Matt, and the Puzzle Cube for Adam.

12/24 - Bring the Board Game for Matt.

1/10 - If nothing happens you are on the independent path, make a save here. If doing blogger ending, go buy fashionable clothes and get Matt's number. Start asking him out every weekend.

1/21 - If going Producers route, "Ask to look at the script."

Week of 2/8-2/12 - Work Tuesday to meet Allison and then go to the mall until you meet her again. This unlocks GameGo, then go to GameGo and buy all the consumables you can. The webcam is essential for Blogger route.

~ Go into blog settings at your computer and set your posts to video. Also use your consumables, except the stress reducers.

2/21 - Accept Nicole's job offer.

2/25 - "Say you'll do it."

3/17 - "Ask if the hotel job has yielded any more work."

3/24 - "Ask Lloyd for advice." If you ask him to assist, you CANNOT get the production ending.

Approximately 4/18 - If you’re doing the producers route go to Cafe Diem, you should run into Rachel, and she will tell you about her writing. She will email you her script, respond to it. Reply for producer but ignore it for the other paths. Then go back to Cafe Diem one more time after this. This will set you on the producer path.

Approximately 5/9
5/28 - You should be at about 300 in all stats. If going for the blogger ending, you need to continue doing video blogs at least twice a week. You will need 250 Fashion for the awards on the 28th. Keep working at least once a week, and even out the rest. If you do, you will easily get the Good at Everything Achievement.

5/28 - Golden Televisions. Winning this is essential for both Producers and Famous Artist endings.

6/6 - Accept the email from S.K. about doing Makeup Mayhem.

6/10 - For the Famous Artist achievement you need to "Agree to pick the second contestant." Others should "Insist on awarding the first contestant."

7/11 - Claim your renaissance faire tickets via email.

8/7 - Ending, insure your stats are where they need to be. 

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